Configuration Options-Listed by Topic
Configuration options sorted by topic.
System Processing-General Info
daemon | setup_mode | pid_file | log_file |
log_level | log_type | native_language | target_dir |
device_name | device_id | camera | config_dir | device_tmo | watchdog_tmo | watchdog_kill | pause |
v4l2_device | v4l2_params | libcam_device | libcam_params |
netcam_url | netcam_params | netcam_high_url | netcam_high_params |
netcam_proxy |
width | height | framerate | text_event |
rotate | flip_axis | locate_motion_mode | locate_motion_style |
text_left | text_right | text_changes | text_scale |
on_event_start | on_event_end | on_picture_save | on_motion_detected |
on_area_detected | on_movie_start | on_movie_end | on_camera_lost |
on_camera_found | on_secondary_detect | on_action_user | on_sound_alert |
picture_output | picture_output_motion | picture_type | picture_quality |
picture_exif | picture_filename | snapshot_interval | snapshot_filename |
stream_preview_scale | stream_preview_newline | stream_preview_method | stream_preview_ptz |
stream_quality | stream_grey | stream_maxrate | stream_motion |
stream_scan_time | stream_scan_scale |
database_type | database_dbname | database_host | database_port |
database_user | database_password | database_busy_timeout | sql_event_end |
sql_event_start | sql_movie_end | sql_movie_start | sql_pic_save |
Configuration Options-Detail Descriptions
The following section provides detailed descriptions of each of the configuration options.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Run in daemon mode. When running MotionPlus under systemd specify as off.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Run in setup mode and provide lots of messages related to images processed.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and name of the process id file.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and name for the log file. When not specified, use syslog.
- Values: 1 - 9 | Default: 6 Verbosity level(EMR, ALR, CRT, ERR, WRN, NTC, INF, DBG, ALL) of messages.
- Values: COR, STR, ENC, NET, DBL, EVT, TRK, VID, ALL | Default: ALL The component for which to log messages.
- Values: on, off | Default: on Enable native language messages.
- Values: String | Default: current directory The full path for the target directory for pictures, snapshots, movies, etc. to be saved.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The device name to be used in the format specifiers and web interface.
- Values: 1 - 32000 | Default: The sequence that the device file is read Unique numeric id for the device.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name with the configuration parameters for the individual camera.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined Directory containing individual device configuration files. Any files ending in '.conf' in the directory will be read as a device configuration file.
- Values: Integer | Default: 30 Number of seconds that elapse before the device is deemed to be lost.
- Values: Integer | Default: 30 Number of seconds that elapse before a camera is deemed to be unresponsive and MotionPlus triggers a watchdog timeout and begins to force the camera to shut down.
- Values: Integer | Default: 10 Number of seconds that elapse after the watchdog_tmo that MotionPlus waits until the kill processes begin to force the camera to shut down.
- Values: Boolean | Default: false Pause detection at start up.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined The v4l2 device to be used for capturing.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Comma separated list of configuration parameters (aka controls) for the v4l2 device.
- Log: [INF][VID][01:ml01:cam01] v4l2_ctrls_log: ID09963776 : Brightness : 0 to 255
- Example 1:
v4l2_params Brightness=130,palette=15
- Example 2:
v4l2_params "Brightness"=130,palette=15
- Example 3:
v4l2_params ID09963776=130,palette=15
- Values: 0 - 20 | Default: 17 Preferred color palette for MotionPlus to use for the device. See table below for the meaning of each parameter number value.
- Values: Integer | Default: -1 Input channel for the v4l2 device. Use -1 for web cams.
- Values: 0-3: | Default: 0 The TV norm to use for the device (PAL, NTSC, SECCAM, PAL-BW)
- Values: Long | Default: 0 The tuner frequency to use for the device.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for a file containing the params listed one per line.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined The libcamera device. The value of 'camera0' is the only currently supported device.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Comma separated list of configuration parameters (aka controls) for the libcamera device.
- Identity
- Rot0
- HFlip
- VFlip
- HVFlip
- Rot180
- Transpose(not currently supported by libcamera)
- Rot270(not currently supported by libcamera)
- Rot90(not currently supported by libcamera)
- Rot180Transpose
- MeteringCentreWeighted = 0
- MeteringSpot = 1
- MeteringMatrix = 2
- MeteringCustom = 3
- ConstraintNormal = 0
- ConstraintHighlight = 1
- ConstraintShadows = 2
- ConstraintCustom = 3
- ExposureNormal = 0
- ExposureShort = 1
- ExposureLong = 2
- ExposureCustom = 3
- AwbAuto = 0
- AwbIncandescent = 1
- AwbTungsten = 2
- AwbFluorescent = 3
- AwbIndoor = 4
- AwbDaylight = 5
- AwbCloudy = 6
- AwbCustom = 7
- Red | Blue
- var1|var2|var3|var4
- var1|var2|var3|var4|var5|var6|var7|var8|var9
- x|y|height|width
- min|max
- AfModeManual = 0
- AfModeAuto = 1
- AfModeContinuous = 2
- AfRangeNormal = 0
- AfRangeMacro = 1
- AfRangeFull = 2
- AfSpeedNormal = 0
- AfSpeedFast = 1
- AfMeteringAuto = 0
- AfMeteringWindows = 1
- x|y|height|width
- AfTriggerStart = 0
- AfTriggerCancel = 1
- AfPauseImmediate = 0
- AfPauseDeferred = 1
- AfPauseResume = 2
- AfStateIdle = 0
- AfStateScanning = 1
- AfStateFocused = 2
- AfStateFailed = 3
- AfPauseStateRunning = 0
- AfPauseStatePausing = 1
- AfPauseStatePaused = 2
- AePrecaptureTriggerIdle = 0
- AePrecaptureTriggerStart = 1
- AePrecaptureTriggerCancel = 2
- NoiseReductionModeOff = 0
- NoiseReductionModeFast = 1
- NoiseReductionModeHighQuality = 2
- NoiseReductionModeMinimal = 3
- NoiseReductionModeZSL = 4
- ColorCorrectionAberrationOff = 0
- ColorCorrectionAberrationFast = 1
- ColorCorrectionAberrationHighQuality = 2
- AeStateSearching = 1
- AeStateConverged = 2
- AeStateLocked = 3
- AeStateFlashRequired = 4
- AeStatePrecapture = 5
- AwbStateInactive = 0
- AwbStateSearching = 1
- AwbConverged = 2
- AwbLocked = 3
- LensShadingMapModeOff = 0
- LensShadingMapModeOn = 1
- TestPatternModeOff = 0
- TestPatternModeSolidColor = 1
- TestPatternModeColorBars = 2
- TestPatternModeColorBarsFadeToGray = 3
- TestPatternModePn9 = 4
- TestPatternModeCustom1 = 256
- Values: String | Default: Not defined URL associated with the network camera.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Comma separated list of configuration parameters. Format is: option=value,option2=value2
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for a file containing the params listed one per line.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined URL associated with the high resolution stream of the network camera. This option is typically used with the movie_passthrough to minimize CPU usage. The netcam_url specifies a low resolution stream which is decoded and processed and the movies are saved directly from the data provided from the netcam_high_url without decoding or processing it.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Comma separated list of configuration parameters. Format is: option=value,option2=value2
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for a file containing the params listed one per line.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined Username and password for the network camera specified as username:password.
- Values: Integer | Default: 640 The width of the image in pixels. Must be a multiple of 8.
- Values: Integer | Default: 480 The height of the image in pixels. Must be a multiple of 8.
- Values: 2 - 100 | Default: 15 The number of frames to be processed per second for motion detection.
- Values: 0, 90, 180, 270 | Default: 0 Rotate image the given number of degrees.
- Values: none, vertical, horizontal | Default: none Flip the image according to specified axis.
- Values: on, off, preview | Default: off Locate and draw around/on the moving object. Preview only applies to pictures.
- Values: box, redbox, cross, redcross | Default: box Set the look and style of the locate mode.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined User defined text overlaid in the lower left corner.
- Values: String | Default: %Y-%m-%d\\n%T User defined text overlaid in the lower right corner.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Show the number of pixels that changed in the upper right corner.
- Values: 1 - 10 | Default: 1 Scale factor for text drawn on images.
- Values: String | Default: %Y%m%d%H%M%S Creates conversion specifier %C
- Values: on, off | Default: off Always save images even if there was no motion
- Values: Integer | Default: 1500 Minimum number of changed pixels that triggers an event.
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 Maximum number of changed pixels that triggers an event. If the number of changed pixels is over the threshold maximum, no event is triggered. A value of zero disables threshold_maximum.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Continuously adjust the threshold for triggering an event.
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 The maximum standard deviation of the changed pixels in the x (width) axis.
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 The maximum standard deviation of the changed pixels in the y (height) axis.
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 The maximum standard deviation of the changed pixels in the x (width) and y(height) axis.
- Values: Integer | Default: The maximum ratio comparing the pixels that went white to black and vice versa.
- Values: Integer | Default: The minimum change in the ratio to trigger a event.
- Values: haar, hog, dnn | Default: Not Defined The secondary detection method.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Comma separated list of configuration parameters for the camera. Format is option=value,option2=value2
- Values: Integer | Default: 5 The interval of images between processing using the secondary method. This works in conjunction with the framerate. For example, a frame_interval of 5 with a framerate of 30 means secondary processing will be at 6 fps while a frame_interval of 60 would have secondary processing every other second.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for the model file associated with the secondary model.
- Values: full, grey, roi | Default: full Process full color image, the full grey image or just the region of interest(roi).
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 Rotation of image when being processed through secondary detection model.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for a file containing the params listed one per line.
- Values: 1 - 255 | Default: 32 The minimum amount of change in a single pixel before it is counted towards the threshold value.
- Values: on, off | Default: on Continuously adjust the noise_level parameter.
- Values: Combinations of E,e,D,d and l | Default: Not defined Despeckle the image using combinations of (E/e)rode or (D/d)ilate. And ending with optional (l)abeling. This reduces noise in the motion image. Adding a trailing l enables labeling in which only the largest section section is used to calculate the threshold. Typical value is EedDl
- Values: String | Default: Not defined Detect motion in predefined areas (1 - 9) and when Motion is detected in the area, execute the script. This option is only to execute the on_area_detect script. Areas are numbered like
- 1 2 3
- 4 5 6
- 7 8 9
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and filename for the masking pgm file. If needed, the mask will be resized to match the width and height of the image. The areas in the mask file colored black will be excluded from motion detection. Shades of grey on the mask will diminish the detection while areas of white will not have any impact on motion detection.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and filename for the privacy masking pgm file. This mask completely removes the indicated sections of the image.
- Values: 0 - 10 | Default: 0 The smartmask is intended to be a dynamic, self-learning mask to decrease sensitivity in areas with frequent motion. The speed specified by this parameter is how quickly the mask gets adjusted. Zero disables the smart mask
- Values: 0 - 100 | Default: 0 The minimum change in the portion of the image that will trigger a lightswitch condition
- Values: Integer | Default: 5 The number of frames to ignore when the lightswitch condition is triggered (see above).
- Values: Integer | Default: 1 The number of frames that must contain motion in order to trigger an event.
- Values: Integer | Default: 60 The seconds of no motion detection that triggers the end of an event.
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 The number of pre-captured (buffered) frames to be captured before an event.
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 The number of frames to be captured after an event has ended.
- Values: Integer | Default: Number of seconds before a new object is included in the reference image.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed at the start of an event.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed at the end of an event.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed when a picture is saved.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed when motion is detected.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed when motion is detected in the area specified.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed at the creation of a movie.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed when a movie ends.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed when the camera is no longer detected.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed when a previously lost camera is active again.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed when secondary detection occurs.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed when user selects the user action from the web interface.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined The full path and file name of the program/script to be executed when a sound alert is triggered.
- Values: on, off, first, best | Default: off 'on' saves all motion images during an event. 'first' saves only the first image that detected motion. 'best' saves image with most changed pixels.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Save the motion(debug) pictures with the pixels that change as a graytone image. If labeling is enabled via the despeckele option, the largest area will be blue and areas in red are those determined by the smartmask option.
- Values: jpeg, webp, ppm | Default: jpeg The type of picture file to output.
- Values: 1 - 100 | Default: 75 The image quality for the jpeg or webp images in percent. The value of 1 is worst and 100 is best.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The text for the JPEG EXIF comment with the EXIF timestamp.
- Values: String | Default: %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q The file name and optionally the path for the pictures relative to target_dir. The file extension will be added based upon the picture_type.
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 The number of seconds between snapshots
- Values: String | Default: %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot The file name and optionally the path for the snapshots relative to target_dir. The file extension is automatically added. A symbolic link called lastsnap.jpg is created in the target_dir and will always point to the latest snapshot, unless snapshot_filename is exactly 'lastsnap'
- Values: on, off | Default: on Encode movies of the motion events.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Encode movies that show the pixels that changed. If labeling is enabled via the despeckle option, the largest area will be in blue. If smartmask is enabled it will be shown in red. The filename will be the same as normal movies except with an 'm' appended.
- Values: Integer | Default: 120 The maximum length of a movie in seconds. Set this to zero for unlimited length.
- Values: Integer | Default: 400000 Bitrate to use in encoding of movies. This option is ignored if movie_quality is specified.
- Values: 0 - 100 | Default: 60 A value of 0 disables this option while values 1 - 100 change the quality of the movie. The value of 1 means worst quality and 100 is the best quality. High values of this option (e.g. 100) may cause difficulty with some players.
- Values: flv, ogg, webm, mp4, mkv, hevc, mov | Default: mkv Container/Codec to be used for the video. Preferred codec can be appended e.g.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Retain movie only if the secondary detection occurred.
- Values: on, off | Default: off When using a RTSP, RTMP, mjpeg and some V4l2 cameras, create movie files with the packets obtained directly from the camera.
- Values: String | Default: %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S The file name and optionally the path for the movie relative to target_dir. The file extension is automatically added based upon the container.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Specifies whether to send the pictures to pipe for external encoding into a movie.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The program name and options for processing the images.
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 Interval in seconds for saving a picture into timelapse movie. Zero disables timelapse.
- Values: hourly, daily, weekly-sunday, weekly-monday, monthly, manual | Default: daily File rollover mode of the timelapse video.
- Values: Integer | Default: 30 The frame per second rate to use in the playback of the timelapse video.
- Values: mpg, mpeg4 | Default: mpg Container to be used by timelapse video.
- mpg - Creates mpg file with mpeg-2 encoding. If MotionPlus is shutdown and restarted, new pictures will be appended to any previously created file with name indicated for timelapse.
- mpeg4 - Creates avi file with the default encoding. If MotionPlus is shutdown and restarted, new pictures will create a new file with the name indicated for timelapse.
- Values: String | Default: %Y%m%d-timelapse The file name and optionally the path for the timelapse movies relative to target_dir. The file extension is automatically added based upon the container.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The video4linux video loopback device for normal images. The device would be specified in the format like /dev/video1
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The video4linux video loopback device for motion images. The device would be specified in the format like /dev/video1
- Values: 0 to 65535 | Default: 0 (disabled) The port number for the web based control of MotionPlus.
- Values: 0 to 65535 | Default: 0 (disabled) Second port for the web control that does not use TLS. This allows for specifying one port that provides a TLS connection (to be used externally) while this port serves the local lan without getting certificate domain warnings.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Listen for connections from IPv6 and IPV4.
- Values: on, off | Default: on Restrict the webcontrol of MotionPlus to the localhost.
- Values: Valid url path | Default: Not Defined Specify new base url path for the webcontrol.
- Values: 0 - 3 | Default: 0 Set the type of parameters that can be accessed via the webcontrol page.
- 0: None - No configuration parameters or actions will be available.
- 1: Limited- A limited list of parameters will be available.
- 2: Advanced - The advanced list of parameters will be available. These typically require MotionPlus to be restarted to become effective.
- 3: Restricted - User IDs, passwords and "on_" commands.
- Values: `default` or `user` | Default: `default` The type of webcontrol interface to provide.
- The value of `default` provides a traditional web page interface using html/css.
- The value of `user` means the html will be provided by file specified in webcontrol_html
- Values: none, basic, digest | Default: none Authentication method to use for the webcontrol port
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The username and password specified as username:password
- Values: on, off | Default: off Enable SSL/TLS (https) for the webcontrol.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined Full path and file name to the certification file for SSL/TLS support. Only used when webcontrol_tls is enabled.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined Full path and file name to the key file for SSL/TLS support. Only used when webcontrol_tls is enabled.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined Comma separated list of headers=values for the webcontrol. Use Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to specify the CORS header.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined Comma separated list of the actions=values to allow and show on the web control page. The following parameters are recognized.
- pause: Applies for both Pause and Unpause actions
- event: Applies for both Start Event and End Event actions
- snapshot
- camera_add
- camera_delete
- ptz: Applies for all PTZ commands
- stop
- restart
- action_user
- config_write
- config: Applies for any and all configuration parameters
- movies: Show page of recorded movies on webcontrol for downloading (requires database functionality)
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name for a user specified html page to use as the webcontrol.
- Values: Integer | Default: 3 Number of permitted attempts to log in before triggering lockout.
- Values: Integer | Default: 10 Number of minutes that the IP will be locked out from further attempts to log in.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Script to execute when a lockout has been triggered. Two additional parameters are passed to this script when executed. The number of times the userid failed as well as the IP address attempting to log in.
- Values: Integer | Default: 25 The percentage to scale the stream image when it is placed on the webcontrol page. Numbers greater than 100 are permitted.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Insert a new line indicator prior to the image on the webcontrol web page.
- Values: `mjpg`, `static` | Default: `mjpg` This option determines the method used for displaying images on the webcontrol page. Use `static` to get around browser limits on the concurrent number connections to server.
- Values: on, off | Default: on Include the PTZ buttons on the webcontrol page.
- Values: 1 - 100 | Default: 50 JPG compression quality setting in percent for the images transferred to live stream.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Send the live stream in grey rather than color.
- Values: Integer | Default: 1 The frames per second for the webcontrol camera stream.
- Values: on, off | Default: off Limit the frames per second for the webcontrol stream to 1 when there is no motion being detected and increase to the stream_maxrate when there is motion.
- Values: Integer | Default: 5 Time in seconds to display image when in scan mode.
- Values: Integer | Default: 25 Percentage scaling factor to apply on the image when in scan mode.
- Values: mariadb, postgresql, sqlite3 | Default: Not defined The database type.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The full path and file name to the Sqlite3 database.
- Values: String | Default: localhost The host on which the database is located
- Values: 0 - 65535 | Default: 0 The port number that is used for the database. Typical values are: MariaDB=3306 and postgresql=5432
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The user account name for database
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The user password for database
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 The time to wait before issuing a timeout message for sqlite3.
- Values: String | Default: SQL query to execute at the end of the event.
- Values: String | Default: SQL query to execute at the start of the event.
- Values: String | Default: SQL query to execute at the end of the movie.
- Values: String | Default: SQL query to execute at the start of the movie.
- Values: String | Default: SQL query to execute when a picture has been saved.
- Values: on,off Default: off Enable automatic tracking.
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 Time in seconds to wait after a PTZ script is called before resuming motion detection.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for script to execute for auto tracking.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for script to pan the camera left.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for script to pan the camera right.
- Values: String | Default: Full path and file name for script to tilt the camera up.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for script to tilt the camera down.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for script to zoom the camera in .
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for script to zoom the camera out.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined String specifying the sound device. For alsa use the format such as hw:1,0 For PulseAudio, usually leave this empty and let PulseAudio use the defaults. If a specific PulseAudio device string is known, specify using this parameter.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Comma separated list of configuration parameters for the sound device.
- Values: String | Default: alsa The type of source for the sound device. Currently supported sources are 'alsa' or 'pulse'.
- Values: Integer: | Default: 1 The number of audio channels for the sound device
- Values: Integer | Default: 2048 The number of bytes to read in for each frame from the sound device.
- Values: Integer | Default: 44100 The sample rate for the sound device.
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The override name of the pulse server to use.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for a file containing the params listed one per line.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Comma separated list of configuration parameters for the criteria of each alert. Multiple specifications of this parameter are permitted.
- Values: Integer | Default: The unique number associated with the alert.
- Values: Integer | Default: 0 The minimum volume level required to be start the detection process
- Values: Integer | Default: 100 The minimum number of times that the frequency must be detected above the volume_level before triggering event.
- Values: Float | Default: 0 The minimum frequency associated with the detection.
- Values: Float | Default: 10000 The maximum frequency associated with the detection.
- Values: Integer | Default: 10 The duration that must occur in seconds between triggered events before resetting. This prevents a perpetual stream of on_sound_event being triggered upon a constant sound. The sound frequency must not occur for at least trigger_duration seconds before a new on_sound_event is triggered for that particular alert.
- Values: Integer | Default: 10 The number of times that the alert must be triggered before invoking the on_sound_event
- Values: String | Default: Not defined The description associated with the alert.
- Values: String | Default: Not Defined Full path and file name for a file containing the params listed one per line.
- Values: hamming, hann, none | Default: hamming The sound frequency detection window function method to use.
- Values: boolean | Default: off Write to the log the frequencies being detected.
Conversion Specifiers
%Y | year | %m | month | %d | day |
%H | hour | %M | minute | %S | second |
%T | HH:MM:SS | %v | event | %q | frame number |
%t | device id number | %D | changed pixels | %N | noise level |
%w | width of the image | %h | height of the image | %i | width of motion area |
%J | height of motion area | %K | X coordinates of motion center | %L | Y coordinates of motion center |
%C | value defined by text_event | %f | filename with full path | %n | number indicating filetype |
%o | threshold | %Q | Number of labels from despeckle | %{eventid} | Unique identifier for event (cam id + date/time) |
%$ | device name | %{fps} | current frames per second | %{host} | name of computer running MotionPlus |
%{ver} | version of MotionPlus | %{trig_nbr} | sound alert number that was triggered | %{trig_nm} | sound alert name that was triggered |
%{trig_freq} | frequency that triggered the sound alert |
System Processing
The configuration parameters for v4l2_params are specified by name or ID. They may also be
enclosed in double quotes. Review the MotionPlus log with log_level 8 to see the options that
are applicable to the device. The following is a sample output from the log and
examples of how to specify the parameters
V4l2 Option | FOURCC | palette option |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_SN9C10X | S910 | 0 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR16 | BYR2 | 1 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR8 | BA81 | 2 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPCA561 | S561 | 3 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_PAC207 | P207 | 6 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24 | RGB3 | 10 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPCA501 | S501 | 11 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPCA505 | S505 | 12 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPCA508 | S508 | 13 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV422P | 422P | 16 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420 | YU12 | 17 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_Y10 | Y10 | 18 |
V4L2_PIX_FMT_Y12 | Y12 | 19 |
(These are libcamera transform and rotate options and may not provide result you anticipate.)AeEnable(bool)
ColourGains(Pipe delimited)
SensorBlackLevels(Pipe delimited)
ColourCorrectionMatrix(Pipe delimited)
ScalerCrop(Pipe delimited)
FrameDurationLimits(Pipe delimited)
AfWindows(Pipe delimited)
MotionPlus uses the ffmpeg libraries to process network cameras. This option is
a comma separated list of the ffmpeg options for the camera. In addition
to the ffmpeg options, MotionPlus includes the following additional options.
The number of frames per second to capture from the camera. This option should be slightly higher than the FPS that the camera is sending image. Users can also specify the capture_rate aspts
. When using pts
as the capture_rate MotionPlus will sync the timing
of the capture to match between the clock and the presentation time stamps sent from the camera.
The ffmpeg hardware decoder to use. Note that not all of the hardware decoders provided by ffmpeg are available. The only hardware decoders are those that do not require customization of libary usage. The ffmpeg libaries on the computer must usually be built from source in order to enable hardware decoding.params_file
MotionPlus uses the ffmpeg libraries to process network cameras. This option is
a comma separated list of the ffmpeg options for the stream specified by netcam_high_url. In addition
to the ffmpeg options, MotionPlus includes the following additional options.
The number of frames per second to capture from the camera. This option should be slightly higher than the FPS that the camera is sending images. Users can also specify the capture_rate aspts
. When using pts
as the capture_rate MotionPlus will sync the timing
of the capture to match between the clock and the presentation time stamps sent from the camera.
Image Processing
Motion Detection
This option is a comma separated list of the secondary detection model options. In addition to the
options for each of the models, MotionPlus includes the following additional options.
Script Execution
Output - Picture Options
Output - Movie Options
Output - Pipe Options
Web Control
These options must be placed in the motionplus.conf file and not in a camera config files.webcontrol_port
Live Stream
Only one database can be used by MotionPlus at a time. These options must be placed in the motionplus.conf file and not in a camera config files.database_type
The configuration parameters for snd_device
The configuration parameters for each alert associated with the sound detection. Multiple alerts can be specified
and each one can be set up to check for a different frequency. The following are the parameters that are specified
on each alert.
Command Line Options
- -c : Full path and filename of config file.
- -h : Show help screen
- -b : Run in daemon mode
- -n : Run in non-daemon mode
- -s : Run in setup mode. Also forces non-daemon mode.
- -d : Run with message log level 1 - 9
- -k : Run with message log type 1 - 9
- -l : Full path and file name for log file
- -p : Full path and file name for the process id file
- -m : Start in pause mode
motionplus [ -hbnsm ] [ -c config file path ] [ -d level ] [ -k level ] [ -p pid_file ] [ -l log_file ]
The Configuration Files
MotionPlus will search for the configuration file called 'motionplus.conf' in the following order:
- Current directory where MotionPlus was invoked
- The directory called '.motionplus' in the current users home directory
- The directory defined by --sysconfdir=DIR during the configure step of installation. If this was not defined, it will default to /etc/motionplus
A signal can be sent from the command line by typing
kill -s SIGHUP pid
, where the last parameter is the process ID for MotionPlus.
Signal | Description |
SIGHUP | The config file will be reread. |
SIGTERM | If needed MotionPlus will create an movie file of the last event and exit |
SIGUSR1 | MotionPlus will create an movie file of the current event. |